Minot Youth Kickball League

Join Us!
Jul 11, 2022, 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Minot, Minot, ND, USA
Join us in 6 weeks of kickball fun! This league is ran as a fundraiser for Full STEAM Ahead by Full STEAM Ahead!!!
Cost: $20/player
Ages: 3/4, 5/6, 7-9
Games: Games are played in the evenings on the field you register at (Polaris Park or Radio City Park) on the night of the week you register for (Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays). Times start at 5:30 and the last games are played at 7:45. Schedules will be released once we fill our teams.
We do have coaches set up for most teams, if the team does not have a listed coach we will be reaching out to the team for a parent to coach. We ask that coaches set up 2 practices prior to games starting, and then coach 1 game a week for 6 weeks. We will conduct backgroun checks on all coaches.
Equipment: We provide a ball and shirts for each team. Players just need tennis shoes/water bottle.
Refunds can only be provided if we have a waitlist for the age group.
I the parent/guardian of the child named above give my permission for him/her to participate in all of the actives associated with Full STEAM Ahead. I do hereby hold free Full STEAM Ahead and its respective directors, coaches, volunteers, supervisors, and sponsors from all and any liability, rights and claims for damages which may arise out of the child’s participation in Full STEAM Ahead events. This is not a drop off league, parents/guardians must stay at all practices and games. In case of an emergency and the parents/guardians of the child named above cannot be contacted, I authorize Full STEAM Ahead and their representatives to contact emergency care. I understand I will be responsible for any expenses incurred on my child’s behalf in connection with such treatment.
Sign Up
$20.00Sold Out3/4PolarisTuesHodenfield
$20.00Sold Out3/4PolarisTuesCone/Earl
$20.00Sold Out3/4PolarisTuesCarter
$20.00Sale ended3/4PolarisWedBuseth/Flagstad
$20.00Sold Out3/4PolarisWedRandolph/Danitsch
$20.00Sale ended3/4PolarisWedNovak/Black
$20.00Sold Out3/4PolarisWedBauman/Tua
$20.00Sale ended7/9PolarisWed Auch
$20.00Sold Out7/9PolarisWedFrederick/Thiel
$20.00Sold Out7/9PolarisWedSutton/Storro
$20.00Sold Out7/9PolarisWedRandolph/NEED
$20.00Sale ended5/6RadioCityTuesKeeney/Bowser
$20.00Sale ended5/6RadioCityTuesGarvesen/Hanna
$20.00Sale ended5/6RadioCityTuesKappler/Lundy
$20.00Sale ended5/6RadioCityTuesWilson/Johnson
$20.00Sold Out7/9RadioCityTuesConnole/Huighe
$20.00Sold Out7/9RadioCityTuesJohnson/McGill
$20.00Sale ended7/9RadioCityTuesDylla/Robinson
$20.00Sold Out7/9RadioCityTuesBaldwin/Ziolko
$20.00Sold Out3/4RadioCityThursBeck/Keith
$20.00Sold Out3/4RadioCityThurs Johnson
$20.00Sold Out3/4RadioCityThursBennett/Fink
$20.00Sold Out3/4RadioCityThursDalton
$20.00Sale ended5/6RadioCityThursEstenson/Grah
$20.00Sold Out5/6RadioCityThursDanitsch/Mart
$20.00Sold Out5/6RadioCityThursMueller/Donal
$20.00Sold Out5/6RadioCityThurs Weidler
$20.00Sold Out