Cup In Hand Kickball Tournament
Do you have what it takes?
Join Us!
Jun 01, 2019, 8:00 AM
Burlington Baseball Fields, River Rd, Burlington, ND 58722
June 1st, 2019
Maximum of 20 teams.
First game will be at 8 or 9 am depending on number of teams registered.
Every team guaranteed 2 games.
We will supply a predetermined amount of alcohol per game/team (enough to get you reasonably through the game)
** First 5 teams to have entire team registered will receive sweatbands for the entire team!!**
Minimum of 10 players, maximum of 15 players
This is a coed tournament.
12 players max on the field (includes 1 catcher)
7 males max on the kickball field
Kicking order must alternate male/female through all players on roster, if more males on roster females might kick twice in one batting order.
Games will be 6 innings or 45 minutes, whichever comes first. The umpire will announce the last inning prior to its start.
Games will be considered a forfeit if the team does not have enough players to play after 10 minutes from the scheduled start time.
Field Rules:
NO bunting – bunts are a foul ball
Bunt: ball that does not cross the imaginary line between 1st and 3rd bases OR at the ref’s discretion
NO leading off bases
NO stealing
NO Tagging Up or advancing on caught fly balls – and runners are responsible for staying on their base/getting back to the start base if they leave.
Head first sliding is ALLOWED. Feet first sliding is NOT ALLOWED
At referee’s discretion – any slide that results in excessive contact with the defensive player will result in the runner being OUT
You CAN throw the ball at base runners but NO head shots
Head shots will result in a dead ball and all players will be safe
Players hit in the head get an extra base
If a player moves their head into the path of the ball, they will be considered out.
ALL pitches MUST be thrown underhand and slow pitch (no spin or bounce)
If excessive, the referee may ask you to switch your pitcher
3 fouls is considered an out – NO STRIKES OR BALLS
Cup In Hand:
All active players (all defensive fielders and offensive kickers/runners) MUST have liquid (ANY liquid allowed including water) in their cups ABOVE the designated line (2nd groove in a standard Solo cup)
If a fielder makes a catch/gets the offensive player out in any way BUT loses too much liquid from their cup (under the designated line) – that offensive player is SAFE
If a fielder makes a play for an out/outs is found (by the ref) to have less than the designated amount of liquid, the player who got out goes back to the closest base they were on prior to getting out
A fielder CANNOT place their cup in their mouth/armpit/etc. or set/drop their cup to make a play (if this happens, the play is dead and the offensive player is safe/given the next base)
If a fielder makes a play WITHOUT A CUP IN THEIR HAND the runners advances to the next base or the base they were running towards
If a runner’s liquid level falls below the line, that runner is OUT
Teams MUST have a designated refill person ready to refill teammates cups – keeps pace of the game
Amazing play: the ref can deem an AMAZING play that supersedes the designated liquid line rule and the out remains (this is very rare)
Sign Up
Minot Kickball Cup In Hand Tournament Waiver 2019 By registering for this tournament I hereby assume any and all risk associated with my participation in the Adult Kickball Tournament in Burlington, ND. I fully release and discharge the tournament and its agents from any and all claims for injuries, damages or losses, including negligence, sustained during any activities associated with the activities of the Burlington, ND Adult Kickball tournament.
$25.00Sale ended